01 -
Stir the cold water and gelatin powder in a small bowl until it blends evenly. Give it time to rest so the gelatin can soften.
02 -
Combine the heavy cream, sugar, and half and half in a big pan. Stir over medium heat until it’s hot but not boiling (should be around 140°F).
03 -
Take it off the heat and mix in the softened gelatin and vanilla. Stir continuously until everything melts together.
04 -
Pour the mixture into eight ramekins (4 ounces each, around half a cup). Leave at room temp until cooled. Then cover and refrigerate overnight.
05 -
To take out of the ramekins, slide a knife along the sides, dip the ramekins briefly in hot water, and flip them onto plates. Pair with mint and raspberry sauce.