01 -
Take a parchment-lined plate and scoop out 8 tablespoons of peanut butter onto it. Freeze them until you’re ready to bake.
02 -
Chop butter into pieces and melt it in a sturdy pan over medium heat. Keep stirring while it melts, and don’t stop stirring when it starts bubbling. Once it’s golden and smells nutty, take it off the heat and pour it into a heatproof bowl to cool.
03 -
When your butter has cooled, set your oven to 350°F (or 175°C). Get a baking tray and line it with parchment paper.
04 -
Take your cooled browned butter and whisk it with brown sugar and granulated sugar in a big mixing bowl. Add in the egg and vanilla, whisking until the whole thing is smooth.
05 -
Carefully sift the flour, baking soda, and salt into your wet mixture. Fold it in gently, just enough to combine everything. Don’t overdo it.
06 -
Stir in the peanut butter M&Ms and chocolate chips so they’re spread evenly in the dough.
07 -
Scoop out ¼ cup-sized chunks of dough or use an ice cream scoop. Flatten each piece, place a peanut butter ball inside, and carefully fold the dough so it completely covers the peanut butter. Gently press the ball down so it’s about 75% flattened.
08 -
Push a few extra chocolate chips and M&Ms into the tops of the cookies for decoration.
09 -
Bake half the batch (6 cookies) at a time for about 10 minutes. Stop when the edges start setting and the bottoms turn a light golden color. The centers might not look fully baked yet.
10 -
When you take the cookies out of the oven, and they’re still hot, you can use a large round cookie cutter or a measuring cup to reshape them if needed. While still warm, you can top each cookie with M&Ms, chocolate chips, or pretzels.
11 -
Leave the cookies on the baking tray until they cool completely. Enjoy them once they’re cool! If there are leftovers (unlikely), keep them in an airtight container.